

Children's Easter Crafts Afternoon - Saturday 23rd March 2-4pm
An event for the whole family
Donation to the Snowdrop Project.
Book a place by signing up in the church foyer or email office@stwilliamofyorksheffield.org.uk


Weekly Schedule

Daily Prayer of the Church by Zoom
Each day in Lent.

Morning Prayer 9am (8.30am on Sundays)
Night Prayer 9pm (until Wednesday of Holy Week)

More details here


Weekday Masses
Tuesdays 10am - followed by Stations of the Cross
Fridays 10am - followed by Adoration until 11.30 


Stations of the Cross
Tuesdays 10.30-11am - after Mass


A Journey through Lent in the Ignatian Way
Tuesdays 7.30-8.30  in the Garden Room. 


Praying with the Lent Readings
Thursdays 7.30-8.30  via Zoom.
See the newsletter for details of how to join.


Fridays 10.30-11.30am - after Mass


Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fridays after 10am Mass
Saturdays 11 - 12 noon - starting on Feb 24,
Mar 2, 9, 16 (Fr Geoffrey Bottoms), 23.
No confessions on Holy Saturday.



CAFOD Lent Boxes
Take a box from the table in the narthex to collect your savings over Lent.
Return the box to Mass  at 7.30 pm on Maundy Thursday or to the first Mass you attend after that.


CAFOD Lent Fast Day - Friday 23rd February
Lent Fast Collection Sat/Sun 24/25 February



Grace Foodbank 

For the most current urgent items go to https://www.gracefoodbanksheffield.org.uk/

Shopping List – regular items


Newsletter Page