
Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit 

Mt 28:19

Baptism is the first of the three sacraments of Christian initiation. Baptism brings the individual to a new life in Christ and to membership of the Church. Baptismal grace carries with it a number of effects including the remission of original and all personal sin, and sharing in the priesthood of Christ. The newly baptised is born to new life and so becomes an adopted child of the Father, a member of Christ and a temple of the Holy Spirit. Baptism imprints an indelible mark on the soul, consecrating the baptised for Christian worship. Therefore baptism can not be repeated or revoked. Baptism is a grace and a gift of God that does not depend on human merit. Therefore from the earliest times Baptism has been administered to children (as well as adults) despite their lack of understanding.

Having your child baptised at St William of York

Choosing Baptism for your child

Most parents would agree there is nothing like the feeling of holding a newborn child in your arms. The sense of wonder, the feeling of gratitude, and the responsibility can be overwhelming. The experience of birth is a moment when we are aware that life is bigger than we are, that God is the source of life and love. Babies are a gift and they remind us that all life is a gift from God.

 Just as God gave your child the gift of life, God wants to give your child the gift of faith. As you were an instrument of God in giving your child human life, so too, by having your child Baptised you are an instrument through which God gives your child faith.

 In Baptism the gift of faith is like a seed planted in fertile soil. Your love, your teaching and your example are the sun, the rain and the nourishment that allows the seed of faith to grow.

 Baptism is a wonderful celebration in which everyone has an important part to play. As co-creators with God and as the primary influence on your child’s life, your role as parent is essential. In the celebration of Baptism you also play an important role. You are the ones who choose Baptism for your child, who present your child to the church, give him or her a name, testify to the faith that you will share and promise to be a good example to your child.


Normally, you should live within the parish boundary and/or be an active parishioner.

To have a child baptised at St William’s at least one parent and one Godparent must be baptised, practising Catholics.

Being part of St William’s community

If you are new in the Parish or returning to the practice of your faith, the parish particularly wants to support you and so might suggest taking time to get to know the community.  Presenting an older child for Baptism may also need careful age-appropriate preparation with the child and may take more time. 

Preparation for Baptism

In order to prepare for your child’s Baptism it is requested that you attend an evening of preparation. The purpose of the evening is to think and talk about what you are undertaking by asking for Baptism for your child.

The evening will be held via Zoom . Tuesdays have been organised for this year but a flexible approach can be taken, subject to numbers. The start time is 8pm and the sessions last about two hours. Exact details will be confirmed to you closer to the date.

What to do next?  

Start planning for your Baptism at least 3 months in advance; there are several steps to take before a Baptism can take place.

2.  Get in touch
Email to let the church know you are hoping to arrange a Baptism. You will be emailed the first steps towards a Baptism.

3. When you have completed the first steps email  to let admin know and to request a Baptism Request Form.

Fill the form in with your preferred Baptism Sunday date (listed below).  

Select a date to attend a Preparation Evening from the list of dates offered. This must be before the date of Baptism.

4. Email the Baptism Request form back to the parish office

5. Attend the Preparation Evening. Before your child is baptised parents attend a preparation session. Christine  and Richard Watts will contact you.

Dates for 2025

Preparation Evenings 2025 

Preparation for Baptism is currently via Zoom .

Baptism Sundays 2025

 Baptisms will be conducted at 12 noon on the following Sundays.

Baptisms may be conducted for several families at the same service.
