Sunday Page

22/23 Feb -  Sunday 7C

Weekend Masses
Saturday         5.30 pm 
Sunday    9.30 am 

Children's Liturgy - is suspended for the holiday.
Refreshments after Sunday 9.30am Mass in the parish centre hall.

New Missals are available to purchase from the Piety Stall which opens after Sunday Masses.

Newsletter Page

Hallam Bridge for Diocesan Monthly News. 

Annual Financial Statement to the Parish

In the narthex

The Offertory basket is in the middle of the narthex. Please leave your offering in the basket on your way in to church so that the basket can be brought up to the altar at the offertory of the Mass.

Contactless Giving  - You can make contactless donations to the parish and charity collections using our contactless device on the wall in the narthex.

Hymn / Mass sheets - please take one and return to the table at the end of Mass.

Parish registration forms

Gift aid / Standing Order forms

The Foodbank Trolley

The Piety Stall is open after Sunday Masses for all occasion cards, rosaries, gifts and keepsakes for Confirmation, baby congrats, 1st Communion and Baptism. Plus many more devotional items etc.

Grace Foodbank Trolley
Please support the foodbank trolley by placing your donations of food in the trolley on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays.

Grace Foodbank Shopping List (15 Nov 24)
(click to expand)

For the most current urgent items go to

Christmas Wish List  

·  SMALLish Christmas cakes/biscuits or packs of Christmas chocolate mini rolls, etc

·      Chocolates/sweets anything that looks festive!

·      Selection boxes/chocolate coins etc.

·      Pringles, cheddars or similar crisps in a cardboard tube (more robust for packing and transporting) (other brands are available!!)

·      Bottles of fizzy grape juice or similar

·      Tins of salmon and tins of ham

·      Sachets of instant custard or tins/cartons of custard

·      SMALL boxes of crackers/biscuits for cheese

·      Boxes of mince pies –preferably without lots of brandy. Mince Pies do come with a shorter shelf life so please check before you buy!

All with a Use By date that's after 25 December and nothing that needs refrigerating.
All items will be packed into bags then transported to our collection sessions.

·   Toiletry gift sets for adults and for older teenagers (male and female)

·       Books - board books for toddlers, picture books for pre-school children and "fun" stories for older children (David Walliams/Captain Underpants or similar are generally popular).

·       Toys and games - new or nearly new.

·       Felt tips/coloured pencils

·       Colouring books/activity books, particularly chunky crayons for age 1.

Please don't wrap and last date is Sunday 8 Dec.

Shopping List – regular items

HALLAM BRIDGE - online information for all the Diocese of Hallam news.

St William's Covenant with the Poor

Working Document for the Continental Stage of the Synod.

St William's Parish Synod Response

Hallam Diocese Synod Report 

Please see our 'Attending Mass' page.

Supporting the Parish Financially

Offertory Donations by Standing Order
Please consider making your offertory donations by monthly standing order. The regular income provided by standing orders is very helpful to the parish.

Gift Aid
Also, if you are a tax payer,  please consider joining the gift aid scheme. The income raised from Gift Aid  forms an important part of our parish income.  

Standing Order / Gift Aid forms are available from the church office or you can download a Gift Aid form here
Please post the completed form to the parish office, or post it through the parish office letterbox in the church narthex.

Contactless Giving
There is  a contactless giving device on the wall in the narthex. Donations can be made with a card, mobile or smart phone in the usual way. You can register for gift aid on donations to the parish. Donations to external charities cannot be gift aided.

Weekly Envelopes
You can donate to the parish via the envelope scheme which enables gift aid to be claimed on cash/cheque donations.  Email the office to request an envelope.

Blue Gift Aid Envelopes
Pale blue Gift Aid envelopes are available in the church narthex for gift aiding occasional cash/cheque donations. These can be used for any donation made to the parish.

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for  December
For Pilgrims of Hope

Pope Francis requests this month's prayers “so that this Jubilee strengthens us in faith, helps us recognize Christ risen in our lives, and transforms us into pilgrims of Christian hope.

Pope Francis Video


See our Children's Page

Preparing for Sundays

Here are two excellent resources to help reflect on the Sunday readings and prepare for Sunday Mass.  

Hearers of the Word

The Sunday website 

Our Social Concerns-  Keep in touch/Donate

Several of these have a 'donate'  button.

CAFOD/ASSIST monthly collection in church or online.



Friends of the Holy Land

Fair Trade   Good Taste (Local Fairtrade Shop)    

St Wilfrid's Centre   

City of Sanctuary  


Snowdrop Project

Home Mission Sunday Collection in church.
To donate online visit


The Kairos Forum is providing prayer, reflection and resources for people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Click here.

The 2021 Annual Financial Statement to the Parish is here.

Mass online   elsewhere

St Marie's     Walsingham     Church Services tv       via Redemptorist web page  

Communion from the chalice

Our bishops have permitted Communion from the Chalice at Mass to resume from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday. Bishop Ralph has sent us two documents, originating in the Northampton Diocese, for us to use in preparation for the reintroduction. We have reformatted these but left the content unchanged. One (‘The Eucharist makes the Church’) is an overview of the Mass, the other (‘Take this and drink’) is specifically about Communion from the Chalice.  Please read them both.