Attending Mass and receiving Holy Communion

You should not come to Church if you suspect you have Covid or Influenza.

Practicalities of receiving Holy Communion.

The whole Christ, ‘body, blood, soul, and divinity’, is present under the form of bread and also under the form of wine; and also in their parts, so breaking a host doesn’t divide Christ.  Thus, no one should feel any pressure to receive from the chalice. 

Receiving the Body of Christ

Receiving the Blood of Christ

Communion from the chalice

Our bishops have permitted Communion from the Chalice at Mass to resume from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday (2023). Bishop Ralph has sent us two documents, originating in the Northampton Diocese, for us to use in preparation for the reintroduction. We have reformatted these but left the content unchanged. One (‘The Eucharist makes the Church’) is an overview of the Mass, the other (‘Take this and drink’) is specifically about Communion from the Chalice.  Please read them both. 

Health aspects of Communion from the Chalice.

Here is a summary arising from consultations with public health experts.