Mass Times
This page contains our usual times. Check this week's activities in the bulletin In particular, for Easter Day and Christmas Day, the Parish bulletin must be consulted.
Sunday Mass
5.30pm on Saturday evening.
9.30 on Sunday morning.
There is a children's Liturgy of the Word during school term time for those in Key Stages 1 - 3.
Little Fishes liturgy group for 0 - 4yrs takes place approx once a month.
There is also a music group at this Mass.
Tea and coffee are served in the Parish Centre after this Mass. Toys and refreshments provided for children, everyone welcome.
Information about Sunday Mass
CAFOD Friday self-denial envelopes and ASSIST collection first Sunday of the month
Fairtrade Stall 10.30 first Sunday of the month excluding January and August
Piety Stall before/after each Sunday Mass
The Grace Food Bank Trolley is in the foyer each weekend for you to place your gifts of tins and packets of food.
Prayer of Intercession - Please let Father John know of those who need our prayers by dropping a note through the foyer letterbox or emailing the office.
Mass on Holydays
10.00am; 7.30pm
Normal Weekday Mass Times (but check this week's bulletin)
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer from the Divine Office is recited in the 15 minutes before morning weekday Masses.
Friday 2.00pm - 8.00pm (7.30 in Lent)
Saturday 12:30 - 1:00 (check with the bulletin)